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Environmental Policy


Approved by Grounds, Facilities and Environmental Action Committee on 21 November 2022. Adopted at Full Council on 19 December 2022


1.1 Falmouth Town Council recognises that a healthy environment is fundamental to the prosperity and wellbeing of our local community. The Council acknowledges that whilst our activities may have adverse effects on the environment, we can take steps to minimise those impacts.

1.2 The Council considers that the environment is important and will comply with and, where possible, exceed all environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice, as applicable.

1.3 The Council will make a positive contribution to the environment by protecting and enhancing its assets.


To promote the importance and value of a quality environment, and to support local people in their enjoyment of it

To carry out our work in an efficient way that minimises or eliminates its adverse impact on our environment

To promote the development of a Circular Economy

To support community initiatives


3.1 Carbon Reduction

Falmouth Town Council declared a climate emergency in October 2021 and pledges to be fully carbon neutral by 2030. A Carbon Audit (Oct 2021) was undertaken which set out plans for immediate and long-term actions to reach this goal which include:

Consider the introduction of phased replacement of LED bulbs in Council premises where feasible

Introduce phased replacement of electrical equipment used on Council premises with products of maximum energy efficiency rating

Switch to 100% renewable energy tariffs for electricity on Council premises

Phased replacement of non-renewable heating sources (gas fired systems) with renewables when funds available

Invest in electric car charging points

Undertake a biennial audit of Council emissions

Identify energy efficiency measures in all buildings and vehicles and undertake retrofits as required

Encourage the switching off of electrical equipment and unnecessary lights when not in use Falmouth Town Council Environmental Policy Page 2 of 3

Encourage the closing of windows and external doors when heating is on, with consideration for the health of staff during Covid restrictions.


Falmouth Town Council is committed to increasing opportunities for nature to thrive on the assets it owns or manages and influencing others by:

Conserving trees, hedgerows, ponds, streams and other habitats

Managing Council assets (including public rights of way, coastal areas, play areas, playing fields, and verges) in a manner that protects and increases biodiversity where appropriate

Introducing wildlife-friendly planting and features where appropriate

Supporting other land owners to protect and improve their assets


Falmouth Town Council is committed to maintaining the already implemented reduction of the use of pesticides on assets we own or manage (with the exception of use for the control of Schedule 9 plants under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, such as Japanese Knotweed, or where it is used to reduce material risks to asset integrity).


Promote and support modern working practices, such as remote working, amongst staff and councillors

Encourage members and officers to car-share, where possible, when a car journey must be made on Council business

Promote and support the use of cycling, public footpaths and public transport

Ensure all Council vehicles are serviced and maintained to a high standard

The use of electric powered vehicles will be pursued where this is a workable alternative


Where possible, installing and using water butts as a non-drinking water source

Supporting campaigns to educate staff and users so they are aware of which materials can be disposed of in waste water

Promoting and supporting natural solutions to reduce/reuse surface water run-off

Working with South West Water to understand the surface water flooding risks and to support their DWMP strategies for alleviating this

Installing water saving measures in public toilets where this is feasible


Keep waste to a minimum by preventing, reusing, recycling or recovering waste

Ensure waste is sorted, stored and disposed of appropriately

Adopt plastic-free on council assets and encourage events taking place in the town to reduce single-use plastic

Encourage the installation of and promote use of water fountains instead of purchasing disposable plastic water bottles

Recycle all recyclable waste generated at Council premises and events

Promote and encourage recycling amongst residents Falmouth Town Council Environmental Policy Page 3 of 3

Explore the use of recyclable, compostable and/or recycled products on Council premises

Reduce the production of non-recyclable resources such as laminated or plastic based publicity material

Minimise the amount of printing and the amount of waste paper

Observe our duty of care conscientiously within our waste contracts

Maximise use of electronic communications; councillors to use an opt-in scheme for printing paper documents

Recycle green waste by using composting facilities

Support campaigns to reduce flytipping and pollution incidents


Develop procurement policy to encourage local suppliers to apply to provide goods and services

Source materials and services locally so long as the requirements for value for money and quality are met

Ensure that catering produce, including tea/coffee in offices, is sourced from local, organic, fair trade (or other recognised certification schemes)

Ensure that timber, or similar products, used by the Council is from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified sources

Encourage the use of eco-friendly consumables (such as cleaning products and inks) in Council premises while being aware of the needs of outcome required

Continue to work towards the delivery of a Circular Economy


Promote awareness of, and information about, environmental issues within the community

Ensure that all individuals involved in the organisation are aware of their responsibilities in implementing this environmental policy

Advise all contractors of the commitment of the council to delivering this environmental policy and request their support where appropriate


To download a copy of the policy, please click on the link below. 



If you require this document in amended formats please contact the Council on 01326 315559 or e-mail comms@falmouthtowncouncil.com

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