Community Grants
Are you a local group or organisation working for the benefit of Falmouth and its residents? If so, you could be eligible for a grant from Falmouth Town Council.
Our grant scheme aims to fund projects that address the needs, aspirations and issues of people of all ages in our community. It also seeks to support the excellent work undertaken selflessly by many able and willing volunteers/organisations in the furtherance of improving the quality of life within the Falmouth Community. If you are working on a project that does just that, why not apply?
Grants are available to community or not-for-profit groups that are working for the benefit of the people of Falmouth and do not have access to funds from umbrella or parent organisations.
How to apply for a grant
Please download a copy of our grant application form and guidance notes. Please read them carefully to make sure you fit the criteria.
Fill out the form.
Send your completed application form back to Falmouth Town Council either:
by post:
The Responsible Financial Officer,
Falmouth Town Council
The Old Post Office
The Moor
TR11 3QAor email: grants@falmouthtowncouncil.com
If your require the grant application form in a different format, please Contact us.
Grants Awarded 2023/2024
Please click on the link below to see a list of grants that were awarded by Falmouth Town Council during the financial year 2023/2024.
Other Sources of Funding
Below is a list of other funding sources that local groups and organisations may be eligible to apply for: