Please note we are still in the process of uploading meeting minutes to our new website starting with the most recent agendas and minutes.

The following documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and you can either view or download them. 

If you require our minutes in a different format please contact us.

  • 20 January – Agenda (coming soon)

The Finance & General Purposes Committee is the main policy making committee of the Council. It considers the broad social and economic needs of the community and has overview of the Council’s financial systems.

Chair: Councillor Jude Robinson

Vice-Chair: Councillor Debra Clegg


  • L Coley
  • S Eva
  • D V Evans
  • A Jewell
  • T Pearce
  • A Rowe

Attending Officers:

  • Town Clerk
  • Responsible Financial Officer

Meeting Frequency

Bi-monthly / 6 times a year

Membership: 8

Minimum number of Councillors required (Quorum): 3

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