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Tree Donation Scheme

Falmouth Town Council are offering the opportunity for residents in the area to participate in its tree donation scheme.

The two principle sites for the planting of donated trees will be Kimberley Park and the old half of Falmouth Cemetery, with the possibility of others available upon request. Consideration will be given to requests for particular species, but they will need to fulfill criteria such as:

  • A species of a size large enough when mature to suit the situation.
  • A specimen with a stem size that will be sufficient to resist vandalism.
  • Of a variety that isn't already prevalent on that site.
  • General tolerance and suitability to the situation.

The Town Council are happy to select and source a suitable tree for you, which meets your budget (likely to be £50 upwards). It is envisaged that costs for planting and staking will be £50 this includes x 2, four inch round milled tree stakes, strapping etc and labour costs.

For further information on this scheme please contact Emily Middleditch at Falmouth Town Council, Municipal Buildings, The Moor, Falmouth or Tel: 01326 315559.

February 2010