19 May

Annual Council Meeting & Mayor Making


19 May 2025


Princess Pavilion
41 Melvill Road, Falmouth TR11 4AT

The Annual Council Meeting is the fourth full Council meeting of the Municipal year (May to May). The focus of the meeting is usually the election of the Town Mayor for the next Municipal year and the appointment of Councillors to committees. The meeting is then followed by the official ‘Mayor Making’ ceremony where the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor are appointed and receive their chains of office.


The agenda for this full council meeting can be found on our Full Council page up to a week before the meeting is due to take place.

Public Attendance

The Annual Council meeting is open to the public but given the number of civic guests invited to the Mayor Making (other Town Mayors, members of the armed forces, community and civic groups with whom the Mayor may have close links, friends and family of the Mayor) we ask that you notify us in advance to make sure we are able to accommodate you.

Livestream of Meeting

The Annual Council Meeting and Mayor Making ceremony will be live-streamed on our Facebook page where it will remain for people to view at their convenience.

The live-streaming will begin as soon as the Annual Council Meeting starts.